Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
Matthew 28:18
At Fellowship we partner with many groups and organizations to share the love of Christ. The Bible tells us that we are to be His witnesses “…in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8). We believe that this command gives us a picture of what the mission of the local church should look like. We are called to reach others with the life changing message of the gospel locally, regionally, and globally.
Listed below are some of our missional partnerships!
Listed below are some of our missional partnerships!
The Peace Pantry
The Peace Pantry is a non-profit food pantry that helps people in need in the communities that are in Jefferson County, Missouri. Every two weeks we feature a new item to collect for the Peace Pantry and our youth group helps out restocking and sorting the items every 6 weeks! Click HERE to find out more about the Peace Pantry!
STL METRO Association
STL METRO is all about connecting churches to develop leaders and deploy them for mission because lostness is the greatest problem in our city. We love being able to partner with them as they do pour into leaders and inspire them to reach others! Click HERE about the STL Metro!
Jefferson Baptist Association (JBA)
The JBA is an association of 40+ churches who seek to partner together to faithfully fulfill the Great Commission through church starting, church sending and church strengthening for the glory of God. We are stronger together and partnering with the JBA helps us fulfill the mission with a greater impact! Click HERE to find out more!
MyLife Medical & Resource Center
MyLife is a pregnancy help and resource center located here in High Ridge, MO. They offer several resources for families as well as no cost medical services for pregnant mothers in a judgement free environment. Explore options and get answers at MyLife! Click HERE to find out more or to schedule a FREE appointment.
Adult & Teen Challenge
Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis is dedicated to a transformative and extensive 12 month residential program for young men and women, 18 years old and up. It is based on Christian principles to help restore broken lives of men and women overcome by addictions. To find out more, click HERE.
An exciting missions endeavor for 2024 is our focus on missions in the St. Louis area. 75 years ago a church in the city stepped out in faith and planted a little church out in Jefferson county. That little church became Fellowship. Now, 75 years later, we are pouring back into the city of the abundance blessings God has given us! For 2024 we will be serving in many areas to help St. Louis Church plants, volunteering at the St. Louis Send Center, and more missional opportunities! Praise God for his blessings so we can be a blessing!
North American Mission Board
The North American Mission Board (NAMB) comes alongside Southern Baptist Convention churches to take the gospel to the 281 million without Christ across the United States and Canada.

Missouri Baptist Cooperative Program
The Cooperative Program allows churches everywhere to participate in a unified mission. Cooperative Program funds allow churches to send missionaries, train pastors and ministry leaders, plant churches, and address ethical and religious liberty concerns related to our faith.
International Mission Board
The International Mission Board serves Southern Baptists in carrying out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. Southern Baptists send IMB missionaries to be steadfastly present among those who have never heard the gospel.
Missionary presence cultivates gospel access, knows no geographic or social boundary.
Missionary presence cultivates gospel belief, that results in lives transformed.
Missionary presence cultivates church planting; multiplication that leads to local ownership of mission.
Missionary presence cultivates gospel access, knows no geographic or social boundary.
Missionary presence cultivates gospel belief, that results in lives transformed.
Missionary presence cultivates church planting; multiplication that leads to local ownership of mission.
Joe and Amy Hendrigsman are on the mission field to serve as missionaries to the unreached indigenous tribes in Oaxaca, Mexico. As a nurse, Amy has been able to provide clinic services to the people of Oaxaca as an avenue to Gospel conversations. Together, they work with others to get the Word to the people in their own language! Through the sending of their home church they have been serving faithfully at Iglesia Bautista de Gracia in Santa Maria Huatulco but felt the call to plant more churches where the Gospel had not reached.
Just outside of Santa Maria Huatulco is the colony of 20 de Noviembre. This town of 4,500 people did not have a gospel preaching church. In 2019, Fellowship purchased land and in 2020 construction started on Iglesia Bautista del Compañerismo. In 2022 the church opened its doors to the community! Pastor Gustavo has been faithfully leading this church under the mentorship of Joe and Amy! To see updates for our missionaries in Mexico, be sure to like and follow the Pray5Oaxaca Facebook page!
Samaritan's Purse
Each year we, along with hundreds of other churches pack together boxes filled with toys and essentials for the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child project. The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. All the boxes the churches packed and then hand delivered to all over the world where children hear the Gospel!
If you would like to give to the continued mission work of Fellowship Baptist Church, you can CLICK HERE!